Exploring data: into the tidyverse

SURE 2024

Department of Statistics & Data Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Data science workflow

Workflow diagram

Source: R for Data Science (2e)

  • Exploring data: data wrangling and data visualization

  • Aspects of data wrangling

    • import: load in data (e.g., read_csv())

    • tidy: each row is an observation, each column is a variable

    • transform: filter observations, create new variables, etc.

Exploratory data analysis

  • What is the goal of EDA?
    • to perform initial investigations on the data in order to better understand the data, discover trends/patterns, spot anomalies, etc.

Exploratory data analysis (cont’d)

  • Data can be explored numerically (tables, descriptive statistics, etc.) or visually (graphs)

  • Examples of questions

    • What type of variation do the variables display?

    • What type of relationships exist between variables?

  • EDA is NOT a replacement for statistical inference and learning
  • EDA is an important and necessary step to build intuition

First example: MLB batting

  • Import Batting table of historical batting statistics from the Lahman
library(tidyverse) # load the tidyverse
library(Lahman) # load the Lahman package to access its datasets
Batting <- as_tibble(Batting) # initialize the Batting dataset
  • Basic info about the Batting dataset
# number of rows and columns
# can also do nrow(Batting) and ncol(Batting)
[1] 112184     22
[1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

First example: MLB batting

  • View the first 6 (by default) rows with head()
# try just typing Batting into your console, what happens?
# also try glimpse(Batting)
# A tibble: 6 × 22
  playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
  <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 abercda01   1871     1 TRO    NA        1     4     0     0     0     0     0
2 addybo01    1871     1 RC1    NA       25   118    30    32     6     0     0
3 allisar01   1871     1 CL1    NA       29   137    28    40     4     5     0
4 allisdo01   1871     1 WS3    NA       27   133    28    44    10     2     2
5 ansonca01   1871     1 RC1    NA       25   120    29    39    11     3     0
6 armstbo01   1871     1 FW1    NA       12    49     9    11     2     1     0
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>
  • Is the Batting dataset tidy?

    • Each row: a player’s season stint with a team (i.e. players can play for multiple teams in year)

    • Each column: different measurement or recording about the player-team-season observation (get all column names with colnames(Batting) or names(Batting))

Descriptive statistics

Summarize quantitative (e.g. yearID, AB) and categorical (e.g. teamID, lgID) variables in different ways…

  • Summary statistics for quantitative variables with the summary() function
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1871    1938    1978    1969    2003    2022 
  • Counts of categorical variables with the table() function
# be careful it ignores NA values
# can do table(Batting$lgID, useNA = "always")

   AA    AL    FL    NA    NL    PL    UA 
 1893 51799   472   737 56800   149   334 

Data wrangling with dplyr

The dplyr package

  • dplyr is a package within the tidyverse with functions for data wrangling

  • The dplyr data verbs for manipulating data

    • filter()

    • select()

    • arrange()

    • mutate()

    • group_by()

    • summarize()


  • Use filter() to extract ROWS (observations) that meet certain conditions

  • Need to specify a logical condition (aka boolean expression)


Example: Extract batting stats for 2 leagues AL and NL only

filter(Batting, lgID %in% c("AL", "NL")) # or filter(Batting, lgID == "AL" | lgID == "NL")
# A tibble: 108,599 × 22
   playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
   <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 addybo01    1876     1 CHN    NL       32   142    36    40     4     1     0
 2 allisar01   1876     1 LS1    NL       31   130     9    27     2     1     0
 3 allisdo01   1876     1 HAR    NL       44   163    19    43     4     0     0
 4 andrufr01   1876     1 CHN    NL        8    36     6    11     3     0     0
 5 ansonca01   1876     1 CHN    NL       66   309    63   110     9     7     2
 6 barnero01   1876     1 CHN    NL       66   322   126   138    21    14     1
 7 battijo01   1876     1 SL3    NL       64   283    34    85    11     4     0
 8 bechtge01   1876     1 LS1    NL       14    55     2    10     1     0     0
 9 bechtge01   1876     2 NY3    NL        2    10     2     3     0     0     0
10 berghjo01   1876     1 PHN    NL        1     4     0     0     0     0     0
# ℹ 108,589 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>


Example: Extract batting stats for Pirates players in 2022

# multiple conditions
filter(Batting, yearID == 2022 & teamID == "PIT")
# A tibble: 68 × 22
   playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
   <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 alforan01   2022     1 PIT    NL        2     4     0     1     0     0     0
 2 alldrca01   2022     1 PIT    NL        1     0     0     0     0     0     0
 3 allengr01   2022     1 PIT    NL       46   118    17    22     4     0     2
 4 andujmi01   2022     2 PIT    NL        9    36     4     9     3     1     0
 5 baeji01     2022     1 PIT    NL       10    33     5    11     3     0     0
 6 bandaan01   2022     1 PIT    NL       23     0     0     0     0     0     0
 7 banuema01   2022     2 PIT    NL       31     0     0     0     0     0     0
 8 bednada01   2022     1 PIT    NL       45     0     0     0     0     0     0
 9 beedety01   2022     2 PIT    NL       25     0     0     0     0     0     0
10 briceau01   2022     1 PIT    NL        4     0     0     0     0     0     0
# ℹ 58 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>

Logical conditions

  • x < y: less than
  • x <= y: less than or equal to
  • x == y: equal to
  • x != y: not equal to
  • x > y: greater than
  • x >= y: greater than or equal to
  • x %in% y: whether the value is present in a given vector
  • is.na(x): is missing
  • !is.na(x): is not missing
  • x & y: and
  • x | y: or
  • !x: not

… and basically anything that returns a TRUE/FALSE value

Common mistakes

  • = instead of ==


filter(Batting, team = "PIT")


filter(Batting, team == "PIT")
  • Forgetting quotes (for string/character)


filter(Batting, team == PIT)


filter(Batting, team == "PIT")


  • Use select() to extract COLUMNS (variables) of interest

  • Just simply specify the column names…

select(Batting, playerID, yearID, G, AB, R, H, HR, BB)
# A tibble: 112,184 × 8
   playerID  yearID     G    AB     R     H    HR    BB
   <chr>      <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 abercda01   1871     1     4     0     0     0     0
 2 addybo01    1871    25   118    30    32     0     4
 3 allisar01   1871    29   137    28    40     0     2
 4 allisdo01   1871    27   133    28    44     2     0
 5 ansonca01   1871    25   120    29    39     0     2
 6 armstbo01   1871    12    49     9    11     0     0
 7 barkeal01   1871     1     4     0     1     0     1
 8 barnero01   1871    31   157    66    63     0    13
 9 barrebi01   1871     1     5     1     1     0     0
10 barrofr01   1871    18    86    13    13     0     0
# ℹ 112,174 more rows


  • Use mutate() to create new variables

  • New variables created via mutate() are usually based on existing variables

    • Make sure to give your new variable a name

    • Note that naming the new variable the same as the existing variable will overwrite the original column


Example: Get the batting average and strikeout-to-walk ratio for every player

mutate(Batting, batting_avg = H / AB, so_bb_ratio = SO / BB)
# A tibble: 112,184 × 24
   playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
   <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 abercda01   1871     1 TRO    NA        1     4     0     0     0     0     0
 2 addybo01    1871     1 RC1    NA       25   118    30    32     6     0     0
 3 allisar01   1871     1 CL1    NA       29   137    28    40     4     5     0
 4 allisdo01   1871     1 WS3    NA       27   133    28    44    10     2     2
 5 ansonca01   1871     1 RC1    NA       25   120    29    39    11     3     0
 6 armstbo01   1871     1 FW1    NA       12    49     9    11     2     1     0
 7 barkeal01   1871     1 RC1    NA        1     4     0     1     0     0     0
 8 barnero01   1871     1 BS1    NA       31   157    66    63    10     9     0
 9 barrebi01   1871     1 FW1    NA        1     5     1     1     1     0     0
10 barrofr01   1871     1 BS1    NA       18    86    13    13     2     1     0
# ℹ 112,174 more rows
# ℹ 12 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>, batting_avg <dbl>,
#   so_bb_ratio <dbl>


  • Sort observations (rows) by variables (columns)

    • ascending order is the default (low to high for numeric columns, alphabetical order for character columns)

Example: Who holds the single-season home run record?

arrange(Batting, desc(HR)) # desc() for descending order
# A tibble: 112,184 × 22
   playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
   <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 bondsba01   2001     1 SFN    NL      153   476   129   156    32     2    73
 2 mcgwima01   1998     1 SLN    NL      155   509   130   152    21     0    70
 3 sosasa01    1998     1 CHN    NL      159   643   134   198    20     0    66
 4 mcgwima01   1999     1 SLN    NL      153   521   118   145    21     1    65
 5 sosasa01    2001     1 CHN    NL      160   577   146   189    34     5    64
 6 sosasa01    1999     1 CHN    NL      162   625   114   180    24     2    63
 7 judgeaa01   2022     1 NYA    AL      157   570   133   177    28     0    62
 8 marisro01   1961     1 NYA    AL      161   590   132   159    16     4    61
 9 ruthba01    1927     1 NYA    AL      151   540   158   192    29     8    60
10 ruthba01    1921     1 NYA    AL      152   540   177   204    44    16    59
# ℹ 112,174 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>


Example: arrange by multiple columns — at bats from high to low (first sort), then home runs from low to high (second sort) — variable order matters

arrange(Batting, desc(AB), HR)
# A tibble: 112,184 × 22
   playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
   <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 rolliji01   2007     1 PHI    NL      162   716   139   212    38    20    30
 2 wilsowi02   1980     1 KCA    AL      161   705   133   230    28    15     3
 3 suzukic01   2004     1 SEA    AL      161   704   101   262    24     5     8
 4 samueju01   1984     1 PHI    NL      160   701   105   191    36    19    15
 5 pierrju01   2006     1 CHN    NL      162   699    87   204    32    13     3
 6 cashda01    1975     1 PHI    NL      162   699   111   213    40     3     4
 7 alouma01    1969     1 PIT    NL      162   698   105   231    41     6     1
 8 reyesjo01   2005     1 NYN    NL      161   696    99   190    24    17     7
 9 jensewo01   1936     1 PIT    NL      153   696    98   197    34    10    10
10 soriaal01   2002     1 NYA    AL      156   696   128   209    51     2    39
# ℹ 112,174 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>

Performing multiple operations

  • What if we want to perform several different tasks using multiple dplyr verbs?
  • Introducing the pipe operator |>
  • You might have seen the magrittr pipe %>%

    • …from the maggritr package, automatically loaded when loading tidyverse
  • Recently, many people (including Hadley Wickham) have switched to |>, the built-in “native” pipe to base R

The pipe operator

  • Use |> to perform a sequence of operations

  • The pipe takes an object (e.g., tibble, data frame, matrix, vector, etc.) on the left and passes it as the first argument of the function on the right

# the workflow
object |>
  first_operation(...) |>
  second_operation(...) |> 

Performing multiple operations

Example: Which Pirates players had the highest batting average in 2022, among those with at least 50 at bats?

What are the tasks to be done here?

  • filter(): only Pirates players in 2022 with at least 50 at bats

  • mutate(): create a new column for batting average

  • arrange(): sort by batting average in descending order

  • select(): report player name, at bats, and batting average

Performing multiple operations

Batting |> 
  filter(yearID == 2022, teamID == "PIT", AB >= 50) |> 
  mutate(batting_avg = H / AB) |> 
  arrange(desc(batting_avg)) |> 
  select(playerID, AB, batting_avg)
# A tibble: 23 × 3
   playerID     AB batting_avg
   <chr>     <int>       <dbl>
 1 newmake01   288       0.274
 2 reynobr01   542       0.262
 3 hayeske01   505       0.244
 4 marisja01    77       0.234
 5 perezro02    60       0.233
 6 castrro01   253       0.233
 7 cruzon01    331       0.233
 8 gamelbe01   371       0.232
 9 chavimi01   401       0.229
10 vogelda01   237       0.228
# ℹ 13 more rows

Without the pipe, the code looks every ugly with functions nested within functions…

select(arrange(mutate(filter(Batting, yearID == 2022, teamID == "PIT", AB >= 50), batting_avg = H / AB), 
desc(batting_avg)), playerID, AB, batting_avg)

summarize() (by itself)

  • Use summarize() to collapse the data down to a single row (per group) by aggregating variables into single values

  • Useful for computing summaries (e.g., mean, median, max, min, correlation, etc.)

Batting |> 
  summarize(median_at_bats = median(AB))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1             45
Batting |> 
  summarize(cor_ab_hr = cor(AB, HR))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     0.704

group_by() and summarize()

  • group_by() converts the data into a “grouped tbl” where operations are performed by group

    • i.e., it splits the data into groups based on values in a column
  • group_by() becomes powerful when combining with summarize()

  • After the operation at the group-level is done, use ungroup() to remove grouping

group_by() and summarize()

Example: How many home runs, strike outs, and walks did each team accumulate in each season from 2015 to 2019?

Batting |> 
  filter(yearID %in% 2015:2019) |> 
  group_by(teamID) |> 
  summarize(total_hr = sum(HR), total_so = sum(SO), total_bb = sum(BB)) |> 
# A tibble: 30 × 4
   teamID total_hr total_so total_bb
   <fct>     <int>    <int>    <int>
 1 NYA        1209     6659     2839
 2 HOU        1159     6294     2759
 3 TOR        1139     6741     2752
 4 LAN        1111     6751     2991
 5 BAL        1103     6914     2162
 6 TEX        1041     7008     2572
 7 SEA        1036     6693     2489
 8 MIN        1035     6694     2604
 9 OAK        1033     6474     2610
10 MIL        1031     7434     2724
# ℹ 20 more rows

The lesser-known stars of dplyr


count() returns the number of observations in each group

Batting |> 
  count(lgID, name = "freq")
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  lgID   freq
  <fct> <int>
1 AA     1893
2 AL    51799
3 FL      472
4 NA      737
5 NL    56800
6 PL      149
7 UA      334
# recall that in base R...

   AA    AL    FL    NA    NL    PL    UA 
 1893 51799   472   737 56800   149   334 

This can also be done with group_by() and summarize()

# note: count is a "shortcut" of this
Batting |> 
  group_by(lgID) |> 
  summarize(freq = n()) |> 
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  lgID   freq
  <fct> <int>
1 AA     1893
2 AL    51799
3 FL      472
4 NA      737
5 NL    56800
6 PL      149
7 UA      334

slice_*() family for subsetting rows

  • slice(): extract rows (observations) based on the row index
Batting |> 
  slice(c(1, 99, 101, 500))
# A tibble: 4 × 22
  playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
  <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 abercda01   1871     1 TRO    NA        1     4     0     0     0     0     0
2 spaldal01   1871     1 BS1    NA       31   144    43    39    10     1     1
3 stearbi01   1871     1 WS3    NA        2     9     1     0     0     0     0
4 smilebi01   1874     1 BL1    NA        2     7     0     0     0     0     0
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>
  • slice_head() / slice_tail(): extract the first / last n rows
# Batting |> slice_tail(n = 5)
Batting |> 
  slice_head(n = 5)
# A tibble: 5 × 22
  playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
  <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 abercda01   1871     1 TRO    NA        1     4     0     0     0     0     0
2 addybo01    1871     1 RC1    NA       25   118    30    32     6     0     0
3 allisar01   1871     1 CL1    NA       29   137    28    40     4     5     0
4 allisdo01   1871     1 WS3    NA       27   133    28    44    10     2     2
5 ansonca01   1871     1 RC1    NA       25   120    29    39    11     3     0
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>

slice_*() family for subsetting rows

  • slice_min() / slice_max(): extract rows with the smallest or largest values of a variable
# single-season home run record (top 5)
Batting |> 
  slice_max(HR, n = 5)
# A tibble: 5 × 22
  playerID  yearID stint teamID lgID      G    AB     R     H   X2B   X3B    HR
  <chr>      <int> <int> <fct>  <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 bondsba01   2001     1 SFN    NL      153   476   129   156    32     2    73
2 mcgwima01   1998     1 SLN    NL      155   509   130   152    21     0    70
3 sosasa01    1998     1 CHN    NL      159   643   134   198    20     0    66
4 mcgwima01   1999     1 SLN    NL      153   521   118   145    21     1    65
5 sosasa01    2001     1 CHN    NL      160   577   146   189    34     5    64
# ℹ 10 more variables: RBI <int>, SB <int>, CS <int>, BB <int>, SO <int>,
#   IBB <int>, HBP <int>, SH <int>, SF <int>, GIDP <int>
  • slice_sample(): randomly sample a specified number / fraction of observation in the data

Useful for performing resampling (e.g., bootstrap, cross-validation, etc.)

# randomly sample 1000 rows (without replacement, by default)
Batting |> 
  slice_sample(n = 1000)

# randomly sample 70% of the rows, with replacement
Batting |> 
  slice_sample(prop = 0.7, replace = TRUE)

Putting it all together

Example: Get batting stats for each year: each row is a year with the following variables

  • total hits, home runs, strikeouts, walks, atbats
  • total batting average for each year = total H / total AB
  • only keeps AL and NL leagues
yearly_batting <- Batting |>
  filter(lgID %in% c("AL", "NL")) |>
  group_by(yearID) |>
  summarize(total_h = sum(H, na.rm = TRUE),
            total_hr = sum(HR, na.rm = TRUE),
            total_so = sum(SO, na.rm = TRUE),
            total_bb = sum(BB, na.rm = TRUE),
            total_ab = sum(AB, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
  mutate(batting_avg = total_h / total_ab)

Putting it all together

What are the top three years with the most HRs?

yearly_batting |> 
  slice_max(total_hr, n = 3)
# A tibble: 3 × 7
  yearID total_h total_hr total_so total_bb total_ab batting_avg
   <int>   <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>       <dbl>
1   2019   42039     6776    42823    15895   166651       0.252
2   2017   42215     6105    40104    15829   165567       0.255
3   2021   39484     5944    42145    15794   161941       0.244
# or this 
yearly_batting |>
  arrange(desc(total_hr)) |>
# A tibble: 3 × 7
  yearID total_h total_hr total_so total_bb total_ab batting_avg
   <int>   <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>       <dbl>
1   2019   42039     6776    42823    15895   166651       0.252
2   2017   42215     6105    40104    15829   165567       0.255
3   2021   39484     5944    42145    15794   161941       0.244

Putting it all together

Which years have the best and worst strikeout to walk ratios?

yearly_batting |>
  mutate(so_bb_ratio = total_so / total_bb) |>
  arrange(so_bb_ratio) |>
  slice(c(1, n()))
# A tibble: 2 × 8
  yearID total_h total_hr total_so total_bb total_ab batting_avg so_bb_ratio
   <int>   <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>       <dbl>       <dbl>
1   1893   15913      460     3341     6143    56898       0.280       0.544
2   1879    6171       58     1843      508    24155       0.255       3.63 

What’s next?


The simple graph has brought more information to the data analyst’s mind than any other device. — John Tukey

  • Use ggplot2 (and the grammar of graphics) to visually explore data

  • More intuitive than base R plotting

  • Different types of visualizations for categorical and quantitative data, faceting, etc.

  • dplyr verbs and |> leads to natural pipeline for EDA

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