Supervised learning: multinomial classification

SURE 2024

Department of Statistics & Data Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Binary classification

Review: binary classification

  • Classification: predicting a categorical response for an observation (since it involves assigning the observation to a category/class)

  • Binary classification: response is binary

  • Often, we are more interested in estimating the probability for each category of the response

  • Methods: logistic regression, GAMs, tree-based methods, to name a few

Evaluating the prediction threshold

  • For each observation, obtain predicted class by comparing the predicted probability to some cutoff \(c\) (typically, \(c=0.5\)) \[\hat{Y} =\left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1, & \hat{p}(x)>c \\ 0, & \hat{p}(x) \leq c \end{array}\right.\]
  • Given the classifications, we can form a confusion matrix:

Confusion matrix

We want to maximize all of the following (positive means 1, negative means 0):

  • Accuracy: How often is the classifier correct? \((\text{TP} + \text{TN}) \ / \ {\text{total}}\)
  • Precision: How often is it right for predicted positives? \(\text{TP} \ / \ (\text{TP} + \text{FP})\)
  • Sensitivity (or true positive rate (TPR) or power): How often does it detect positives? \(\text{TP} \ / \ (\text{TP} + \text{FN})\)
  • Specificity (or true negative rate (TNR), or 1 - false positive rate (FPR)): How often does it detect negatives? \(\text{TN} \ / \ (\text{TN} + \text{FP})\)

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve

Question: How do we balance between high power and low false positive rate?

  • Check all possible values for the cutoff \(c\), plot the power against false positive rate

  • Want to maximize the area under the curve (AUC)

Plotting an ROC curve

  • Example: MLB home run probability

  • Model: logistic regression with exit velocity and launch angle as predictors

batted_balls <- read_csv("")
hr_logit <- glm(is_hr ~ launch_speed + launch_angle, family = binomial, data = batted_balls)
hr_roc <- batted_balls |> 
  mutate(pred_hr = predict(hr_logit, type = "response")) |> 
  roc(is_hr, pred_hr)
# str(hr_roc)
Area under the curve: 0.9406

Plotting an ROC curve

tibble(threshold = hr_roc$thresholds,
       specificity = hr_roc$specificities,
       sensitivity = hr_roc$sensitivities) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
  geom_path() +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")

Multinomial classification

Motivating example: expected points in American football

Football is complicated — not all yards are created equal

Play evaluation in American football

  • How do we overcome the limitations of yards gained?
  • Expected points: how many points have teams scored in similar situations?
  • Win probability: have teams in similar situations won the game?

NFL play-by-play data

Each row is a play with contextual information:

  • Possession team: team with the ball, on offense (opposing team is on defense)
  • Down: 4 downs to advance the ball 10 (or more) yards

    • New set of downs, else turnover to defense
  • Yards to go: distance in yards to go for a first down
  • Yard line: distance in yards away from opponent’s endzone (100 to 0) - the field position
  • Time remaining: seconds remaining in game, each game is 3600 seconds long

    • 4 quarters, halftime in between, followed by a potential overtime

NFL play-by-play data

Drive: a series of plays, changes with possession and the types of scoring events:

  • No Score: 0 points - turnover the ball or half/game ends

  • Field Goal: 3 points - kick through opponent’s goal post

  • Touchdown: 7 points - enter opponent’s end zone

  • Safety: 2 points for opponent - tackled in own endzone

Next score: type of next score with respect to possession team

  • For: Touchdown (7), Field Goal (3), Safety (2)

  • Against: -Touchdown (-7), -Field Goal (-3), -Safety (-2)

  • No Score (0)

Expected points

  • Expected points: Measure the value of play in terms of \(\mathbb{E}[\text{points of next scoring play}]\)

      • i.e., historically, how many points have teams scored when in similar situations?
  • Response: \(Y \in\) {touchdown, field goal, safety, no score, -safety, -field goal, -touchdown}

  • Predictors: \(\mathbf{X} =\) {down, yards to go, yard line, …}

\(Y\) value probability
touchdown 7
field goal 3
safety 2
no score 0
-safety -2
-field goal -3
-touchdown -7
  • Task: estimate the probabilities of each scoring event to compute expected points

  • Outcome probabilities \[P(Y = y \mid \mathbf{X})\]

  • Expected points \[E(Y \mid \mathbf{X}) = \sum_{y \in Y} y \cdot P(Y=y \mid\mathbf{X})\]

Important question: Which model do we use when a categorical response variable has more than two classes?

Review: logistic regression

Response variable \(Y\) is binary categorical with two possible values: 1 or 0
(i.e. binary classification problem)

Estimate the probability

\[ p(x) = P(Y = 1 \mid X = x) \]

Assuming that we are dealing with two classes, the possible observed values for \(Y\) are 0 and 1, \[ Y \mid x \sim {\rm Binomial}(n=1,p=\mathbb{E}[Y \mid x]) \]

To limit the regression between \([0, 1]\), use the logit function (i.e., the log-odds ratio)

\[ \log \left[ \frac{p(x)}{1 - p(x)} \right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p \]


\[p(x) = \frac{e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p}}{1 + e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p}}\]

Multinomial logistic regression

Extend logistic regression to \(K\) classes (via the softmax function):

\[P(Y=k^* \mid X=x)=\frac{e^{\beta_{0 k^*}+\beta_{1 k^*} x_{1}+\cdots+\beta_{p k^*} x_{p}}}{\sum_{k=1}^{K} e^{\beta_{0 k}+\beta_{1 k} x_{1}+\cdots+\beta_{p k} x_{p}}}\]

Estimate coefficients for \(K - 1\) classes relative to reference class

For example, let \(K\) be the reference then we use \(K - 1\) logit transformations

Notation: \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) for vector of coefficients and \(\mathbf{X}\) for matrix of predictors

\[\begin{array}{c} \log \Big( \frac{P(Y = 1 \ \mid \ \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=K \ \mid \ \mathbf{X})} \Big) = \boldsymbol{\beta}_{1} \cdot \mathbf{X} \\ \log \Big( \frac{P(Y=2 \ \mid \ \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=K \ \mid \ \mathbf{X})} \Big) =\boldsymbol{\beta}_{2} \cdot \mathbf{X} \\ \vdots \\ \log \Big( \frac{P(Y=K-1 \ \mid \ \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=K \ \mid \ \mathbf{X})} \Big) =\boldsymbol{\beta}_{K-1} \cdot \mathbf{X} \end{array}\]

Multinomial logistic regression for the next scoring event

\(Y \in\) {touchdown, field goal, safety, no score, -safety, -field goal, -touchdown}

\(\mathbf{X} =\) {down, yards to go, yard line, …}

Model is specified with six logit transformations relative to no score:

\[\begin{array}{c} \log \left(\frac{P(Y = \text { touchdown } \mid \ \mathbf{X})}{P(Y = \text { no score } \mid \ \mathbf{X})}\right)=\mathbf{X} \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}_{\text {touchdown }} \\ \log \left(\frac{P(Y = \text { field goal } \mid \ \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=\text { no score } \mid \ \mathbf{X})}\right)=\mathbf{X} \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}_{\text {field goal }}, \\ \vdots & \\ \log \left(\frac{P(Y = -\text {touchdown } \mid \ \mathbf{X})}{P(Y = \text { no score } \mid \ \mathbf{X})}\right)=\mathbf{X} \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}_{-\text {touchdown }}, \end{array}\]

Output: predicted probability associated with each of the next scoring events for each play


NFL play-by-play dataset (2012-2022) with the next score (in a half) for each play

Following steps provided by nflfastR, which follows the OG nflscrapR

nfl_pbp <- read_csv("")
# glimpse(nfl_pbp)
# additional data prep
nfl_pbp <- nfl_pbp |> 
  # make No_Score the reference level
  mutate(next_score_half = fct_relevel(next_score_half, "No_Score"),
         log_ydstogo = log(ydstogo),
         down = factor(down))

Fitting a multinomial logistic regression model

ep_model <- multinom(next_score_half ~ half_seconds_remaining + yardline_100 + down + log_ydstogo + 
                       log_ydstogo * down + yardline_100 * down, 
                     data = nfl_pbp, maxit = 300)
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 820568.904843 
iter  10 value 644396.481292
iter  20 value 628421.265697
iter  30 value 614354.879384
iter  40 value 601877.827175
iter  50 value 599094.485735
iter  60 value 582578.628173
iter  70 value 563639.418072
iter  80 value 555744.384886
iter  90 value 553787.681372
iter 100 value 553756.085367
final  value 553755.982007 
# maxit = 300: provide a sufficient number of steps for model fitting
# summary(ep_model)

In the summary, notice the usual type of output, including coefficient estimates for every next scoring event, except for the reference level No_Score

Obtain probabilities for each categories

event_prob <- ep_model |> 
  predict(newdata = nfl_pbp, type = "probs") |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
  mutate(ep = Touchdown * 7 + Field_Goal * 3 + Safety * 2 + Opp_Touchdown * -7 + Opp_Field_Goal * -3 + Opp_Safety * -2)
# A tibble: 421,689 × 8
   No_Score Field_Goal Opp_Field_Goal Opp_Safety Opp_Touchdown  Safety Touchdown
      <dbl>      <dbl>          <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 0.000944      0.191         0.169   0.00630          0.302  0.00415     0.326
 2 0.00102       0.188         0.164   0.00433          0.284  0.00434     0.354
 3 0.00116       0.153         0.180   0.00459          0.301  0.00490     0.356
 4 0.00128       0.232         0.136   0.00259          0.234  0.00415     0.391
 5 0.000787      0.297         0.0709  0.000295         0.118  0.00378     0.509
 6 0.000871      0.317         0.0844  0.000513         0.144  0.00439     0.449
 7 0.00110       0.350         0.0990  0.000686         0.169  0.00483     0.375
 8 0.000780      0.321         0.0476  0.0000898        0.0768 0.00334     0.550
 9 0.000875      0.355         0.0563  0.000175         0.0941 0.00397     0.489
10 0.000570      0.338         0.0291  0.0000221        0.0459 0.00284     0.583
# ℹ 421,679 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: ep <dbl>

Models in production

  • It’s naive to assess the model on the training data it was learned on
  • How is our model going to be used in practice?
  • The model itself will be a functional tool that can be applied to new observations without the need to retrain (for a considerable amount of time)

    • e.g., built an expected points model and want to use it new season
  • Constant retraining is unnecessary and will become computationally burdensome
  • Ultimate goal: have a model that generalizes well to new data

Review: \(k\)-fold cross-validation

  • Randomly split data into \(K\) equal-sized folds (i.e., subsets of data)
  • Then for each fold \(k\) in 1 to \(K\):

    • Train the model on data excluding observations in fold \(k\)

    • Generate predictions on holdout data in fold k

    • (Optional) Compute some performance measure for fold \(k\) predictions (e.g., RMSE, accuracy)

  • Aggregate holdout predictions to evaluate model performance
  • (Optional) Aggregate performance measure across \(K\) folds

    • e.g., compute average RMSE, including standard error for CV estimate

Takeaway: We can assess our model performance using anything we want with cross-validation

Review: calibration (for classification)

Key idea: For a classifier to be calibrated, the actual probabilities should match the predicted probabilities


  • Bin the data according to predicted probabilities from model

    • e.g., [0, 0.1], (0.1, 0.2], …, (0.9, 1]
  • For each bin, compute proportion of observations whose class is the positive class
  • Plot observed proportions against the predicted probabilities bin midpoints

Visualization: calibration curves (or reliability diagrams)

Cross-validation calibration

  • Randomly split data into \(K\) equal-sized folds (i.e., subsets of data)
  • Then for each fold \(k\) in 1 to \(K\):

    • Train a classifier on data excluding observations in fold \(k\)

    • Generate predicted probabilities on holdout data in fold \(k\)

  • Aggregate holdout probabilities to create calibration plot
  • Alternatively: Create calibration plot for each holdout fold separately

    • Could average across bin calibration estimates
      (though, standard errors might be messed up)

Cross-validation for next scoring event model

  • Can we randomly split data into \(K\) equal-sized folds?
  • Why not? Observations are correlated (at the play-level)
  • For model evaluation purposes, we cannot randomly assign plays to different training and test folds
  • Alternative ideas? Randomly assign game-drives, game-halves, games, weeks
  • Another idea that avoids randomness: leave-one-season-out cross validation

Leave-one-season-out calibration

  • Since the model outputs probability estimates, use out-of-sample calibration to evaluate the model

  • Assess how well the model is calibrated for each scoring event

ep_cv <- function(s) {
  test <- nfl_pbp |> filter(season == s)
  train <- nfl_pbp |> filter(season != s)

  ep_model <- multinom(next_score_half ~ half_seconds_remaining + yardline_100 + down + 
                         log_ydstogo + log_ydstogo * down + yardline_100 * down, 
                       data = train, maxit = 300)
  ep_out <- ep_model |> 
    predict(newdata = test, type = "probs") |> 
    as_tibble() |> 
    mutate(next_score_half = test$next_score_half,
           season = s)

seasons <- unique(nfl_pbp$season)
ep_cv_calibration <- seasons |> 
  map(ep_cv) |> 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 745900.440604 
iter  10 value 582572.386661
iter  20 value 567612.722519
iter  30 value 553128.934420
iter  40 value 539573.367519
iter  50 value 537142.707480
iter  60 value 530470.755017
iter  70 value 514487.037163
iter  80 value 505049.356679
iter  90 value 503664.462255
iter 100 value 503645.015371
final  value 503644.994544 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 745384.774415 
iter  10 value 579676.888404
iter  20 value 565801.534090
iter  30 value 551821.702311
iter  40 value 538083.862911
iter  50 value 535516.763693
iter  60 value 522268.990541
iter  70 value 510214.212169
iter  80 value 503279.229245
iter  90 value 502419.020138
iter 100 value 502408.109824
final  value 502408.057516 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 746102.815260 
iter  10 value 581128.133082
iter  20 value 566363.466914
iter  30 value 553159.787960
iter  40 value 538887.792660
iter  50 value 536394.121640
iter  60 value 517227.685617
iter  70 value 508543.818882
iter  80 value 504334.318742
iter  90 value 503192.902124
iter 100 value 503174.592780
final  value 503174.526755 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 745509.312664 
iter  10 value 579618.006957
iter  20 value 564306.403454
iter  30 value 551208.139857
iter  40 value 538465.941964
iter  50 value 536710.560522
iter  60 value 528973.377193
iter  70 value 511260.471224
iter  80 value 504532.493456
iter  90 value 502789.244226
iter 100 value 502772.289562
final  value 502772.144039 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 746161.192564 
iter  10 value 583318.098071
iter  20 value 565452.660017
iter  30 value 553004.511199
iter  40 value 535661.314128
iter  50 value 533835.120716
iter  60 value 526651.621249
iter  70 value 512879.814523
iter  80 value 505125.732253
iter  90 value 503780.650158
iter 100 value 503768.498849
iter 100 value 503768.495637
iter 100 value 503768.495615
final  value 503768.495615 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 746803.342913 
iter  10 value 583690.720571
iter  20 value 566306.979616
iter  30 value 551774.114094
iter  40 value 537259.662266
iter  50 value 535113.563551
iter  60 value 526452.935962
iter  70 value 512964.056547
iter  80 value 504964.169296
iter  90 value 503268.251731
iter 100 value 503249.111787
final  value 503248.815177 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 747715.974773 
iter  10 value 583786.077390
iter  20 value 567105.715518
iter  30 value 552434.743020
iter  40 value 537595.742939
iter  50 value 535193.954596
iter  60 value 521167.329143
iter  70 value 510112.965931
iter  80 value 506456.019829
iter  90 value 505635.711866
iter 100 value 505619.618820
final  value 505619.547336 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 746970.691186 
iter  10 value 584955.081885
iter  20 value 567314.200251
iter  30 value 550787.724286
iter  40 value 535225.530029
iter  50 value 532916.786298
iter  60 value 527702.038408
iter  70 value 510892.228628
iter  80 value 505225.792024
iter  90 value 503907.572475
iter 100 value 503898.506729
final  value 503898.421803 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 747488.303286 
iter  10 value 583119.603702
iter  20 value 566841.648280
iter  30 value 551376.979315
iter  40 value 535103.066727
iter  50 value 532514.969609
iter  60 value 520124.869874
iter  70 value 509228.087974
iter  80 value 505351.542571
iter  90 value 504685.805585
iter 100 value 504672.226391
final  value 504672.212695 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 743503.079301 
iter  10 value 580780.250261
iter  20 value 563224.055560
iter  30 value 548344.717654
iter  40 value 535963.961916
iter  50 value 533709.672202
iter  60 value 514506.546758
iter  70 value 506529.898117
iter  80 value 503369.501382
iter  90 value 502499.936997
iter 100 value 502491.333787
final  value 502491.323111 
# weights:  98 (78 variable)
initial  value 744149.121470 
iter  10 value 584360.429636
iter  20 value 565852.095368
iter  30 value 554113.251762
iter  40 value 541601.089529
iter  50 value 539204.094419
iter  60 value 520343.899251
iter  70 value 510733.738542
iter  80 value 503381.508098
iter  90 value 501755.600539
iter 100 value 501730.994412
final  value 501730.752384 

Leave-one-season-out calibration

ep_cv_calibration |> 
               names_to = "event",
               values_to = "pred_prob") |>
  mutate(bin_pred_prob = round(pred_prob / 0.05) * 0.05) |> 
  group_by(event, bin_pred_prob) |> 
  summarize(n_plays = n(), 
            n_events = length(which(next_score_half == event)),
            bin_actual_prob = n_events / n_plays,
            bin_se = sqrt((bin_actual_prob * (1 - bin_actual_prob)) / n_plays)) |>
  ungroup() |> 
  mutate(bin_upper = pmin(bin_actual_prob + 2 * bin_se, 1),
         bin_lower = pmax(bin_actual_prob - 2 * bin_se, 0)) |> 
  mutate(event = fct_relevel(event, "Opp_Safety", "Opp_Field_Goal", "Opp_Touchdown", 
                             "No_Score", "Safety", "Field_Goal", "Touchdown")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bin_pred_prob, y = bin_actual_prob)) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "black", linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = bin_lower, ymax = bin_upper)) +
  expand_limits(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)) +
  facet_wrap(~ event, ncol = 4)

Leave-one-season-out calibration

Player and team evaluations

  • Expected points added (EPA): \(EP_{end} - EP_{start}\)

  • Other common measures

    • Total EPA (for both offense and defense)

    • EPA per play

    • Success rate: fraction of plays with positive EPA

Multinomial classification with XGBoost

Note: XGBoost requires the multinomial categories to be numeric starting at 0

nfl_pbp <- read_csv("") |> 
  mutate(next_score_half = fct_relevel(next_score_half, 
                                       "No_Score", "Safety", "Field_Goal", "Touchdown",
                                       "Opp_Safety", "Opp_Field_Goal", "Opp_Touchdown"),
         next_score_label = as.numeric(next_score_half) - 1) 

Leave-one-season-out cross-validation

ep_xg_cv <- function(s) {
  test <- nfl_pbp |> filter(season == s)
  train <- nfl_pbp |> filter(season != s)
  x_test <- test |> select(half_seconds_remaining, yardline_100, down, ydstogo) |> as.matrix()
  x_train <- train |> select(half_seconds_remaining, yardline_100, down, ydstogo) |> as.matrix()
  ep_xg <- xgboost(data = x_train, label = train$next_score_label, 
                   nrounds = 100, max_depth = 3, eta = 0.3, gamma = 0, 
                   colsample_bytree = 1, min_child_weight = 1, subsample = 1, nthread = 1, 
                   objective = 'multi:softprob', num_class = 7, eval_metric = 'mlogloss', verbose = 0)
  ep_xg_pred <- ep_xg |> 
      predict(x_test) |> 
      matrix(ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE) |> 
  colnames(ep_xg_pred) <- c("No_Score", "Safety", "Field_Goal", "Touchdown", 
                            "Opp_Safety", "Opp_Field_Goal", "Opp_Touchdown")
  ep_xg_pred <- ep_xg_pred |> 
    mutate(next_score_half = test$next_score_half, 
           season = s)
seasons <- unique(nfl_pbp$season)
ep_xg_cv_pred <- seasons |> 
  map(ep_xg_cv) |> 

Model calibration

ep_xg_cv_pred |>
               names_to = "event",
               values_to = "pred_prob") |>
  mutate(bin_pred_prob = round(pred_prob / 0.05) * 0.05) |>
  group_by(event, bin_pred_prob) |>
  summarize(n_plays = n(),
            n_events = length(which(next_score_half == event)),
            bin_actual_prob = n_events / n_plays,
            bin_se = sqrt((bin_actual_prob * (1 - bin_actual_prob)) / n_plays)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  mutate(bin_upper = pmin(bin_actual_prob + 2 * bin_se, 1),
         bin_lower = pmax(bin_actual_prob - 2 * bin_se, 0)) |>
  mutate(event = fct_relevel(event, "Opp_Safety", "Opp_Field_Goal", "Opp_Touchdown",
                             "No_Score", "Safety", "Field_Goal", "Touchdown")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = bin_pred_prob, y = bin_actual_prob)) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "black", linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = bin_lower, ymax = bin_upper)) +
  expand_limits(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)) +
  facet_wrap(~ event, ncol = 4)

Model calibration